About Us
Keys is a world leader in supplying professional training, services and materials to work places, schools, youth organizations and law enforcement agencies across the United States, Canada, Europe and beyond.
The methods and techniques presented are unique, yet based on international level research and proven with years of experience in dealing with violence, at-risk, troubled adults and youth. From Japan’s Ministry of Education, to Scandinavian School Safety Professionals, to local public schools large and small, Keys has been acclaimed as providing the highest level of service in an informative manner that holds the attention of all in attendance.
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This approach insures that everyone will receive training that is practical and field proven, not another classroom theory. While many avoid violence by locking themselves in, we offer the Keys that will Lock Out Violence Everyday.
If your business, organization or school needs training, publications or other materials to enhance and insure the safety of your students, staff and others, we have the Keys that will meet your needs.