Packet 2 - FULL Interactive PowerPoint Presentation on CD:
CD Contains - (Containing only one Packet)
- Interactive PowerPoint,
- Copy of Slides,
- Black Note Slides,
- Videos of Shooters Confession, Warning Signs, Weapons Violations and much more,
- access to additional research and
- more...
All in a Trainer's Binder.
(Check out our discount Value Package with Interactive CD + eBook Guide + PDS Booklet "50 Pack" at a reducded cost for all three)
Included in Trainer Packet:
The PowerPoint will guide the Trainer through this powerful international Training Guide and Training. This PowerPoint is designed to use with a class of Facilitators being trained by a Certified Risk/Threat Assessment Teams - Trainers.
The train-the-trainer Powerpoint Packet: Assessing the Potentially Dangerous Student - Why didn't we see it Coming?? is based on International level research and contains information on Development of Risk/Threat Assessment Teams, Learning Early and Imminent Warning Signs, a Scoreable Interviewing Instrument, Learning what is next (appropriate action), and appropriate referrals of students in need of immediate help. It addressing core issues quickly and provides a road map on bulding individual school Risk/Threat Assessment Teams.
To learn more about this exciting Training go to:
The FULL Interactive PowerPoint Presentation on: Assessing the Potentially Dangerous Student - Why didn't we see it Coming?? (PDSTtT: TP02) comes from International research. With the ever-increasing frequency and severity of school shootings and other forms of violence, it is time that we do something about it. Based upon International Level research by theDepartment of Education, Office of Juvenile Justice, the FBI, the Secret Service and others. Keys’ has developed a most unique approach to the detection and prevention of School Violence. It looks at “Why” we miss these students, “What” to do to identify them, and “How” to provide help for them. There is an emphasis on identification, assessment and weighing of the Early and Imminent Warning Signs in students. The full training provides schools a component of a Risk/Threat Assessment Team Model.
Skills Acquired
A basic understanding of:
- The Risk/Threat Assessment Team Model (Observation, Assessment, Decision & obtain immediate Help)
- What to Look for in Early Warning Signs (social,academic, violent and weapons characteristics)
- Assessment techniques and skills to utilize this MOST UNIQUE international assessment tool
- This full day of training is power packed with information, techniques and training materials.
Interactive Powerpoint cover Training guide on:
- Why we miss them. Where shootings happen. Who were the shooters. Their common Characteristics
- How to Identify Early & Imminent Warning Signs of the Potentially Dangerous Student (PDS)
- How to Assess Students for those Signs
- How to rank/rate the Early Warning Signs using the Assessment Tool
- How to develop an Risk/Threat Assessment Team and Model for your District &/or other youth oriented organizations.
- Highly acclaimed PDS Book who’s accompanying training share the same name.
- Certification to utilized and copy this copy written PDS Assessment Tool
- Certificate of Completion used for CEU credit.
The Internationally utilized Assessment Tool
- Is Objective not Subjective
- Relies on Observable behavior
- Internationally Researched
- Applicable to Every School and other youth oriented organizations
Additional Materials in the TtT Guide (not included in this TtT PDS Packet)
- Tips for Parents checklist
- Intervention Practices
- Crisis Procedure checklist
- Students Action Steps checklist
- See how your School is doing “Is it safe?” checklist
Target Audience: Prinpals, School Resource Officers (SRO), Mental Health Professionals, Behavioral Specialists, others involved in evaluating students behavior and making determinations on what is next to intervent.