The Force of Character


by James Hillman



Character has become a major issue in education. Many schools are searching for ways to instill a sense of character in their pupils as means of preventing the wanton violence that has infected our youth and the give them a feeling of community. This powerful work by world renown author and psychologist, James Hillman, focuses on the aged members of our society as the source of character and a model for our young people.
In a effort to provide the best resources to our subscribers, members and partner schools, Keys has made a special purchase of this work so that it can be placed in the hands of every teacher, counselor and administrator.
Others who may benefit include those who are starting to face the fact that we are all getting older. It helps to know what lies ahead and what a valuable asset we can be to others.
At a time when "character" is being taught to our young people, Hillman brings us back to our elders as the source. 
This empowering work resurrects the ancient, widespread and socially effective idea of the old person as "ancestor," a model for the young, the bearer of society's cultural memory and traditions. 
James Hillman is a psychologist, scholar and educator who has held teaching positions at Yale, the University of Chicago, Syracuse University and the University of Dallas. 
He has authored over 20 books. Through a very special purchase, Keys is able to bring this outstanding work to our subscribers  in the hopes that everyone will be able to get a copy. 


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